Ryulynn's Fanfiction Archive

Femslash February 2023

These are ficlets written in response to prompts from Femslash February 2023. The self-challenge was to make the final digit(s) of the word count end in the number of the prompt.

List of prompts
1. stars - Ryoko/Yuki (13 sentinels)
2. sunflower - Hiori/Uta (Blue Reflection)
3. storm - Kasane/Kyoka (Scarlet Nexus)
4. retro - Kotomi/Saki (Akiba's Beat)
5. sweater - Creha/Lyra (Nayuta)
6. third wheel - Ryoko/Yuki (13 sentinels)
7. hugs - Kanon/Nay (Surge Concerto)
8. moon - Aluche/Liliana (Nights of Azure)
9. rose - Kasane/Kyoka (Scarlet Nexus)
10. sun - Hiori/Uta (Blue Reflection)
11. future - Amoretta/Lillet (GrimGrimoire)
12. swimsuit - Aria/Scherza (Starlight Vega)
13. rest day - Marisa/Tethys (FE8)
14. kisses - Eirika/L'Arachel (FE8)
15. wild - Kanon/Nay (Surge Concerto)
16. asleep - Katarina/Kris (FE12)
17. light - Fiora/Melia (Xenoblade)
18. loss - Anita/Valeria (Suikoden)
19. play - Aria/Lyria (Starlight Vega)
20. matching - Klaudia/Ryza (Atelier Ryza)
21. tuxedo - Kiria/Tsubasa (TMSFE)
22. garden - Nyx/Persephone (Hades)
23. sports - Rena/Yuki (Blue Reflection)
24. dark - Marisa/Tethys (FE8)
25. gift - Mimi/Totori (Atelier Arland series)
26. fight - Ryoko/Yuki (13 sentinels)
27. different - Aria/Lyria (Starlight Vega)
28. dress - Chris/Lilly (Suikoden)

Title: stars
Rating: G
Fandom: 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Relationship: Shinonome Ryoko/Takamiya Yuki
Wordcount: 351
Short summary: Yuki takes Ryoko outside at night, where there is just the dark night sky.

Title: sunflower
Rating: G
Fandom: Blue Reflection, specifically Blue Reflection Tie
Relationship: Hirahara Hiori/Komagawa Uta
Wordcount: 222
Short summary: It takes a while for Hiori to like sunflowers again.

Title: storm
Rating: G
Fandom: Scarlet Nexus
Relationship: Kyoka Eden/Kasane Randall
Wordcount: 343
Short summary: Kasane squad returns to base after braving a storm. Kasane lingers by Kyoka's side.

Title: retro
Rating: G
Fandom: Akiba's Beat
Relationship: Hoshino Saki/Sanada Kotomi
Wordcount: 364
Short summary: Kotomi does a double-take at Saki's outfit at first, the T-shirt, plaid miniskirt, and rainbow-striped thigh-highs…

Title: sweater dress
Rating: G
Fandom: Nayuta no Kiseki
Relationship: Lyra Barton/Creha Rem Ordine
Wordcount: 365
Short summary: Lyra comes back to her bedroom and Creha is wearing her clothes?

Title: third wheel
Rating: G
Fandom: 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Relationship: Shinonome Ryoko/Takamiya Yuki
Wordcount: 516
Short summary: Ryoko forgot being a third wheel would be awkward. Thankfully there is another person in the same situation.

Title: hugs
Rating: G
Fandom: Surge Concerto, specifically Ar nosurge
Relationship: Kanoyeel kkll Preciel/Nayaflask
Wordcount: 307
Short summary: Kanon never thought herself as a tactile person, but Nay's hugs are…

Title: moon
Rating: G
Fandom: Nights of Azure
Relationship: Aluche Anatoria/Liliana Selphin
Wordcount: 268
Short summary: Liliana asks if Aluche likes looking at the moon. Aluche's answer is…

Title: rose
Rating: G
Fandom: Scarlet Nexus
Relationship: Kyoka Eden/Kasane Randall
Wordcount: 229
Short summary: Kasane has been called a rose, and Kyoka interprets it differently than the others.

Title: sun
Rating: G
Fandom: Blue Reflection, specifically Blue Reflection Tie
Relationship: Hirahara Hiori/Komagawa Uta
Wordcount: 310
Short summary: To Uta, Hiori is her sun.

Title: change?
Rating: G
Fandom: GrimGrimoire
Relationship: Lillet Blan/Amoretta Virgine
Wordcount: 211
Short summary: When an old shopkeeper calls Amoretta her daughter, Lillet wonders whether she should change her appearance…

Title: white bikini
Rating: T
Fandom: Starlight Vega
Relationship: Scherza/Aria Reid
Wordcount: 612
Short summary: Scherza tells her they are going to the beach and to bring a swimsuit. Aria thinks it'll be one thing, but the reality ends up being pretty different. But still good in the end.

Title: played
Rating: T
Fandom: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Relationship: Marisa/Tethys
Wordcount: 513
Short summary: Tethys takes Marisa to a certain place to "relax" Marisa's mind. It's not what Marisa expects, (but probably exactly what Tethys expects).

Title: kisses
Rating: G
Fandom: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Relationship: Eirika/L'Arachel
Wordcount: 214
Short summary: Eirika muses on kisses.

Title: relaxing completely?
Rating: T
Fandom: Surge Concerto, specifically Ar nosurge
Relationship: Kanoyeel kkll Preciel/Nayaflask
Wordcount: 315
Short summary: Nay tells Kanon it's been a while since Kanon has relaxed completely, like that time before…?

Title: sleep
Rating: G
Fandom: Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem (FE12)
Relationship: Katarina/Kris
Wordcount: 216
Short summary: Katarina has a new place to belong to, all thanks to one person.

Title: light
Rating: G
Fandom: Xenoblade Chronicles
Relationship: Fiora/Melia
Wordcount: 417
Short summary: Melia helps Fiora in the kitchen.

Title: one and only
Rating: G
Fandom: Suikoden, specifically Suikoden 2
Relationship: Anita/Valeria
Wordcount: 218
Short summary: Viktor asks Anita what her and Valeria's relationship really is, and Anita thinks…

Title: play
Rating: T
Fandom: Starlight Vega
Relationship: Lyria/Aria Reid
Wordcount: 419
Short summary: Lyria keeps asking Aria to act her part in that old play. Aria finally figures out why.

Title: her bracelet
Rating: G
Fandom: Atelier Ryza
Relationship: Ryza Stout/Klaudia Valentz
Wordcount: 420
Short summary: Lubart asks about Klaudia's new bracelet.

Title: her photos
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Relationship: Kurono Kiria/Oribe Tsubasa
Wordcount: 221
Short summary: Kiria is dressed up for a photoshoot. Tsubasa is taking more photos than the photographers. Just the usual.

Title: garden
Rating: G
Fandom: Hades
Relationship: Nyx/Persephone
Wordcount: 222
Short summary: Nyx is distracted by the garden.

Title: to her fullest
Rating: G
Fandom: Blue Reflection, specifically Blue Reflection Tie
Relationship: Kinjou Yuki/Miyauchi Rena
Wordcount: 223
Short summary: Rena feels everything is like a dream.

Title: in the dark
Rating: T
Fandom: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Relationship: Marisa/Tethys
Wordcount: 224
Short summary: When they are together, Tethys can't see as well but she gets Marisa a bit more expressive in the dark.

Title: bracelet
Rating: G
Fandom: Atelier Arland series
Relationship: Totori Helmold/Mimi Houllier von Schwarzlang
Wordcount: 325
Short summary: Totori receives a gift from Mimi.

Title: fight
Rating: G
Fandom: 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Relationship: Shinonome Ryoko/Takamiya Yuki
Wordcount: 226
Short summary: When those words come from Shinonome, Yuki knows they are honest.

Title: different
Rating: T
Fandom: Starlight Vega
Relationship: Lyria/Aria Reid
Wordcount: 127
Short summary: Aria wonders sometimes if she could regret staying in Vega.

Title: dress
Rating: G
Fandom: Suikoden, specifically Suikoden 3
Relationship: Chris Lightfellow/Lilly Pendragon
Wordcount: 328
Short summary: Lilly doesn't want to put on this dress.

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