Title: third wheel
Rating: G
Fandom: 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Relationship: Shinonome Ryoko/Takamiya Yuki
Wordcount: 516
Short summary: Yuki takes Ryoko outside at night, where there is just the dark night sky.

When Ei invited her to join him and Fuyusaka at the beach, Ryoko didn’t realize being the third wheel would be so…awkward. She isn’t mad at Ei at all for his invitation; she could have easily said no without any problems. She had just…forgotten that the beach could be a place for romance. Maybe it’s because her only experience with “dating” was just to get her parents off her case, and she never cared for Renya in that way. Still doesn’t. And also…Fuyusaka, instead of being annoyed that her romantic moment with Ei might be intruded upon, had been happy that Ryoko decided to venture outside more, because she was “too pale” and should get more sunlight.

Ryoko still doesn’t care too much about her appearance or about…looking good for anyone. She’s sworn to herself, the past version of herself and the current version of herself, that she’ll stand strong on her own, not to be manipulated and used by some other, played around with, betrayed and tossed aside. She doesn’t hate the happiness that the others have found; she is very happy for Ei that he has someone who helps him smile regularly.

But it’s easier for Fuyusaka to elicit his smiles if Ryoko is a bit off to the side, out of sight, right? Ryoko decides the beach is fine…on the other end. She soaks in the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore, the cries of the birds…are these seagulls…and she kneels. Maybe she should go outside a bit more, if only to do some exercise.


Ryoko at some point had closed her eyes, but her eyes fly open at the sound of her name coming from Takamiya’s lips. She’s completely surprised to find the long black-haired woman here. But then she hears some sounds of laughter…from Minami, who appears to be poking at Miura with a stick. Ah. Another third wheel.

“Hello, Takamiya,” Ryoko finally goes with, moving to stand up. But before she can, Takamiya sits down next to her.

“Nice day, huh,” Takamiya says with a wry smile. Ryoko nods and looks up at the cloudless sky. She has to shield her eyes a bit; the sun is truly bright today. “I’m glad they dragged me out after all.”

Ryoko turns her head to look at Takamiya. The normally sharp profile is softened by a smile and a bit of a blush across her cheeks. Oh…so does that mean…

Then Takamiya laughs. It starts small and soft, but soon she’s almost bellowing, her whole body shaking. Ryoko gets it, a little. It is absurd, two third wheels being here like they…are on their own little date. It makes Ryoko smile a little bit, and she lets out a chuckle.

“Well, let’s make the most of this,” Takamiya declares before leaning over and resting her head on Ryoko’s shoulder. Ryoko stiffens for a moment, surprised at the contact, but then relaxes and lets Takamiya get comfortable. The younger woman is surprisingly cute with how straightforward she is with actions instead of words.

Guess accepting that beach invitation worked out.

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