Title: hugs
Rating: G
Fandom: Surge Concerto, specifically Ar nosurge
Relationship: Kanoyeel kkll Preciel/Nayaflask
Wordcount: 307
Short summary: Kanon never thought herself as a tactile person, but Nay's hugs are…

Kanon never really thought of herself as a tactile person. She grew up not knowing anything but a strict upbringing, for she was just to be a vessel for the citizen’s desires and wishes, an instrument of her faction to keep everything in order, or perhaps more aptly, she was a tool. But everything changed when she met Ion.

Ion made her want to learn about the world through her own eyes, through her own experiences. Ion was so different, so fresh in both an intriguing and an incredibly frustrating way. Of course now Kanon understands exactly why this was the case, but also within Ion there was this truly good soul. And in the “former” Ion…

Nay is…a precious existence to Kanon right now. There aren’t really better ways to vocalize how she feels about Nay. The society they live in now, the balance between Sharls and humans, is still precarious and they do clash at times when it comes to their duties to their respective societies. But things are getting closer, more mixed, more intertwined, more…intimate. Just like the way they now greet each other when they can see each other, the way that Nay can run up to her and just…hug…

Kanon realized, when Nay did that for the first time, that there had been a small, deeply buried part of her, that had envied the way Nay could easily hug Ion or Casty and not…her. The way that small form could contain so much energy, so much power, so much warmth. Who helped cheer up Ion but Nay? Who helped cheer up Kanon but Nay?

There are other things that Nay does for Kanon, of course, but the one thing that can’t be duplicated or substituted is the way Nay’s arms feel when she hugs Kanon. And Kanon will forever savor each one.

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