Title: stars
Rating: G
Fandom: 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Relationship: Shinonome Ryoko/Takamiya Yuki
Wordcount: 351
Short summary: Yuki takes Ryoko outside at night, where there is just the dark night sky.

“Hey, Ryoko.”

Yuki calls out quietly but when the only other presence besides them is the dark night sky, the name sounds loud. Ryoko blinks and turns her face slightly so it faces Yuki’s a bit more. In the few minutes of silence that have passed since Yuki led Ryoko outside the complex, away from the machines and the other compatibles who should be sleeping through the night, their gazes have drifted a bit away from each other as neither of them really knew what to say to breach the distance between them, despite their hands being linked. Or at least Yuki had been feeling like that. She’s still not sure how to read Ryoko despite their deepening relationship.

“You like the stars?”

Yuki asks that because there’s nothing else she can think to talk about right now and the silence is a bit uncomfortable for her. She doesn’t know how to judge the stars or what they mean. It’s not like Yuki had spent much of her time before looking at them until they landed here and left the pods.

Ryoko shrugs. Yuki laughs. Figures.

“I don’t care for them much either,” she admits. She almost wishes she had a cigarette to blow on just to distract her. Instead she has to go on with her slip of the tongue, to at least make this whole little bit worth it.

“Not like Nat-chan did. But they aren’t so bad.”

Ryoko purses her lips. “I guess.”

Just Ryoko saying those two words gives Yuki a bit of relief. Perhaps she made the mood awkward but Ryoko is nice enough to play along. Actually she catches Yuki by surprise by leaning her head onto Yuki’s shoulder. Yuki almost yelps at the contact.

“If it’s quiet it’s fine.”

Yuki opens her mouth to reply but then shuts it. Oh. She blushes, a little embarrassed, and tugs Ryoko in a little closer. That’s right. With Natsuno or with Amiguchi there is never quiet, but quiet isn’t a bad thing. Instead it could be a special thing. Just her and Ryoko, and nothing else.


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