Title: relaxing completely?
Rating: T
Fandom: Surge Concerto, specifically Ar nosurge
Relationship: Kanoyeel kkll Preciel/Nayaflask
Wordcount: 315
Short summary: Nay tells Kanon it's been a while since Kanon has relaxed completely, like that time before…?

“Hey, Kanon?”

“What is it, Nay?”

“It’s been a while since you’ve let your guard down completely.” Nay plops down on the bed next to the formerly reading a book Kanon, who is now smelling Nay’s shampoo.

Kanon puts a hand over Nay’s. “I feel relaxed around you now?”

She’s not sure what angle Nay’s going for here. For someone who puts out so much outward confidence most of the time, Nay has surprisingly low self-confidence about a few things, one being the status of her relationships. Kanon knows of some of the reason via Genometrics, but the details…well, they both don’t like to talk about their past traumas.

“Yeah, but I was remembering…” The wistful tone in Nay’s voice makes Kanon’s heart skip. Kanon immediately squeezes Nay’s hand, letting Nay know that she is free to continue at her own pace.

Nay laughs. “Back then, when we saw you at that festival, you were so wild over those cute bird plushies…”

“That’s…” Not what Kanon had been expecting Nay to say but also… “Embarrassing.”

“It was cute!” Nay’s laughing once more. “We were both relieved to see that you had that human side. Although I was probably thinking more about how much fun it would be to tease you about it.”

Kanon pouts. “Are you not teasing me about it right now?”

She really was concerned that something was wrong with Nay! So she’s feeling a little…offended that she was played like this.

“Maybe, but it’s not to make fun of you,” Nay says with a smile. “Definitely the opposite,” she insists.

“How so?”

“Well…” Nay presses her body against Kanon’s side. “I’ll show you.” Her mouth moves to Kanon’s ear. “I’ll have you completely let down your guard and…”

And what Nay does next, well… It is relaxing, in a way? The details are too…embarrassing to recount with words, but definitely…a good thing…

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