Title: kisses
Rating: G
Fandom: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Relationship: Eirika/L'Arachel
Wordcount: 214
Short summary: Eirika muses on kisses.

Eirika wouldn’t say she desired the touch of lips against her own before she met L’Arachel. She was familiar with the feel of lips against her skin; Ephraim had a penchant for kissing her forehead, which invited more than a fair share of misunderstandings by outsiders. Father also would sometimes kiss her forehead, while her mother had kissed her forehead and her cheeks quite often. Having experienced all these kisses from her family, Eirika didn’t think being kissed on the lips would be that different.

She is very wrong. Although part of the reason why these mouth kisses are so different from the other kisses is that her partner in said activity has a flair for the dramatic. Sometimes that can be a little bit of a distraction, but in this case, the energy heightens the experience. Eirika’s heart is beating faster well-before their lips meet in its anticipation. A feather kiss lasts a long, sweet second. A deep kiss is like falling into a dream that Eirika is always reluctant to leave. And a sweet, lingering kiss is the one that Eirika remembers for days when they have to be apart due to their duties.

The other part is, obviously, because Eirika loves L’Arachel very, very much. Romantic love is very powerful indeed.

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