Title: storm
Rating: G
Fandom: Scarlet Nexus
Relationship: Kyoka Eden/Kasane Randall
Wordcount: 343
Short summary: Kasane squad returns to base after braving a storm. Kasane lingers by Kyoka's side.

“I’m beat!” Arashi yells as Kasane squad returns to base, after trekking through a storm for 5 hours, and Kasane is ready to fling herself onto the couch, but she turns her gaze to the right just a bit and sees Kyoka and…

She can hold on just a little bit more.

Before, when Kyoka was just a mentor and teacher to Kasane, Kasane would not have thought much about the outward composure that Kyoka seemingly always has no matter the situation. But now it’s different.

Kasane notices the slight increase in the crinkles around Kyoka’s eyes, the slight increase in the amount of blinking. The smile that isn’t quite as wide, the frowns that come more often.

She lingers by Kyoka’s side as the others noisily grumble and stumble to their designated spots around the base. Haruka’s cheer helps the mood a bit as well as her willingness to shuffle back and forth with drinks and towels, and Kasane can sense that Kyoka has relaxed just a little bit seeing this. Seeing that she doesn’t have to take all the burden of caring for everyone after returning back from the storm.

“We’re back,” Kyoka says quietly. Then it seems she realizes that Kasane is still at her side and tenses back up. “Kasane, do you need anything?”

Kasane smiles sheepishly. “No, I’m alright. Just a bit tired.” She raises a hand, pauses, and then goes for it. Goes to smooth out the frown on Kyoka’s lips. “Wanted to thank you for protecting me out there.”

Kyoka laughs. “I think you did your own share of protecting me, so…” She smiles, naturally this time. “Thank you too.” She takes a step forward. “Shall we rest on the couch?”

Kasane nods. She takes Kyoka’s hand and leads her there, seats Kyoka down beside her, rests her head against Kyoka’s shoulder. “Wake me up in a bit?” she murmurs.

Kyoka chuckles. “Of course, my dear Kasane.”

And then it doesn’t take long at all for Kasane to fall asleep, with Kyoka’s warmth to support her.

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