Title: rose
Rating: G
Fandom: Scarlet Nexus
Relationship: Kyoka Eden/Kasane Randall
Wordcount: 229
Short summary: Kasane has been called a rose, and Kyoka interprets it differently than the others.

Kyoka is not one to engage in gossip but her position as a former platoon leader, a mentor and teacher, and active member of the OSDF, she had heard all types of things. Things she rather not hear and things the people who say them rather she not hear, if they knew she had heard them. So she usually pretends that their words are nothing of note, unless they are spoken directly to her. But at this moment, as she looks over at the sleeping Kasane on the couch…

They used to describe Kasane as a white rose. Beautiful but cold, and prickly if one got too close. Most people admired from afar, afraid of the thorns. Most people didn’t want to understand.

That’s what Kyoka thinks anyway. Because Kasane is actually quite warm and gentle. Kasane doesn’t have thorns to hurt but rather they grew out of trauma. It’s those others who speak behind her back who have needles and burrs, sticking and pricking and clinging in frustrating ways. Even getting stuck on Kyoka who was just passing by.

But thorns can be smoothed out. They can become little bumps instead. They are just as much part of the rose as the petals up top. And Kyoka loves it all.

Loves every part of Kasane, petals and thorns combined. And no one will change her mind about this.

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