Title: moon
Rating: G
Fandom: Nights of Azure
Relationship: Aluche Anatoria/Liliana Selphin
Wordcount: 268
Short summary: Liliana asks if Aluche likes looking at the moon. Aluche's answer is…

“Do you like looking at the moon?”

Aluche looks away from the Azure Moon to the lavender-haired woman to her left. In the pale moonlight, Liliana glows ethereally and Aluche’s breath catches for a moment. She coughs awkwardly, her right hand moving to scratch the back of her head.

“It’s not that I like looking at the moon,” she answers sheepishly. “It’s just…”

She does her best to explain what she sees to Liliana. She watches Liliana nod at every word, believing every bit even though she cannot see what Aluche sees. To Liliana and the others, the moon is always white and full. The current world looks endless, frozen. But Aluche knows there is a time limit, and Liliana believes her.

“I don’t like thinking about time running out, but I’d hate it more if time ran out without me doing everything I can beforehand to stop that.”

Aluche doesn’t dwell on negative thoughts much, but she isn’t completely oblivious to the odds she is fighting against. That they are fighting against. She’s not the best at math but she does understand practicalities. It won’t stop her from fighting and believing and dreaming and wishing…

“Aluche…” Liliana has taken Aluche’s left hand in both of hers. She smiles gently and Aluche relaxes a little. It’s always been like this; Liliana can just touch her and Aluche immediately feels better.

“I wish I could see it too,” Liliana murmurs. “But no matter what, I’ll stay by your side.”

Aluche nods. She wishes for that too, from the bottom of her heart, that they’ll be together until the end…

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