Title: sweater dress
Rating: G
Fandom: Nayuta no Kiseki
Relationship: Lyra Barton/Creha Rem Ordine
Wordcount: 365
Short summary: Lyra comes back to her bedroom and Creha is wearing her clothes?

“Ah, I’m so tired.”

Lyra enters her bedroom, yawning after a busy day of running errands back and forth for her father. Sure, it’s nice that their village continues to be lively; it helped her get over her unrequited love for Nayuta a bit faster when she realized she was too busy to think about him anyway. It also helped that a certain white-haired woman became a staple in her life… Speaking of which, she hadn’t seen Creha all day. Where has she been and who is this white-haired woman belly-first on the bed wearing a blouse and shorts...wait a minute…


“Welcome back, Lyra.”

Creha looks up from her book and smiles sweetly at Lyra, making Lyra automatically smile back. It doesn’t last long, as Lyra takes a moment to take in exactly what Creha is wearing. Her smile slips and turns into a look of confusion.

“Are those…my…”

Creha nods. “They fit very well on me.”

Indeed, they do, Lyra thinks immediately before blushing. Ah, it’s not fair, Creha looks better in these clothes than Lyra herself does! She’s simultaneously pleased and envious.

“Maybe I should try wearing your sweater dress,” Lyra mutters. It’s her only idea for “revenge” against this situation.

Of course this goes over Creha’s head. Creha giggles. “You would look cute in it.”

Lyra blinks. “Really?”

“Too bad it needed to get washed.” Ah, that explains why Creha is wearing different clothes. “Well, once it’s clean and dry, you should try it on.”

“Okay…?” Lyra isn’t as confident in herself as Creha seems to be. “If that’s okay with you?”

“Of course. Anything that’s mine is also yours.”

Lyra’s face heats up at that declaration. Creha…really can say stuff like that without realizing what a big deal it is…

“Yeah…okay…mine’s yours too…” Lyra stutters back. Then Creha settles everything by getting up and pulling Lyra into a hug. It lets Lyra bury her flushed face into Creha’s shoulder.


Later, the sweater dress will be put on Lyra and it will fit great and they will make plans to procure matching outfits, but for now, the idea here is just the first step of many in their future together.

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