Title: dress
Rating: G
Fandom: Suikoden, specifically Suikoden 3
Relationship: Chris Lightfellow/Lilly Pendragon
Wordcount: 328
Short summary: Lilly doesn't want to put on this dress.

“Don’t laugh!”


“Either help or get out!”

Lilly glares over at the silver-haired woman leaning against the wall in a simple tunic and slacks. If only a certain Chris Lightfellow was considered noble enough for this engagement, then she would have to suffer too. Instead she’s laughing at Lilly who is currently struggling to put on this cream-colored frilly, tight, and itchy dress that is most “fitting” for a young noblewoman. Something very feminine in the sense that it literally makes the one wearing it into a helpless princess.

It’s funny that the first time they met, Lilly mocked Chris for not wearing a dress, but now she would do anything not to put this one on. She rather march in with her casual blue one and tights, but nobles are so stuffy. Maybe she should just drag Chris in with her, announce that they are in a romantic relationship, cause chaos and flounce off without a care in the world.

But Lilly isn’t quite ready for that type of…sacrifice? She still likes her father’s financial support. And well, Lilly may be forceful but Chris is the most stubborn woman in the world. So it won’t happen but…

“Stay still.”

Lilly pauses her movements just as Chris’ fingers land on her shoulder. This is surprising; Chris is helping her out? She sucks in a breath as the back of her dress is buttoned up; this dress is torture, but feeling Chris’ fingers makes it okay for a moment. When Chris is finally done, Lilly exhales and realizes at least the dress isn’t too tight around her midsection. It’s just getting it up her hips and her behind…

“There you go.” Chris says quietly with a chuckle. “Now have a good party…”

“You’re kidding.”

“And come back early.”

Oh? That’s unexpectedly sweet. And that smile on Chris’ face...

“I will.”

She’ll definitely not stay any longer than she has to, not with the promise of a reward afterwards…

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