Title: in the dark
Rating: T
Fandom: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Relationship: Marisa/Tethys
Wordcount: 224
Short summary: When they are together, Tethys can't see as well but she gets Marisa a bit more expressive in the dark.

“Is it okay now?”

Tethys waits for Marisa’s nod before she closes the distance between them, bringing her lips to brush Marisa’s in a brief kiss before pushing Marisa down on the bed. It is harder to see in the dark, but Tethys accepts that she won’t be able to see Marisa’s reactions as well, and instead focuses on catching every hitch in Marisa’s breath, every gasp and every moan.

It’s more important that Marisa is comfortable and willing to let go, to enjoy herself. Even if it doesn’t make too much sense to Tethys that Marisa is so shy about her appearance, when it’s obvious to anyone that Marisa is very good-looking. Maybe she’s more “handsome” and “cool” than “beautiful” in the feminine sense, but Tethys thinks Marisa is beautiful as Marisa. Marisa does not need to look any other way, does not need to dress any other way (except in bed, where Marisa should be naked when they make love), does not need to act in any other way.

“I love you,” Tethys murmurs as she runs her mouth over Marisa’s neck, wetting every bit of skin with her tongue. “And you love me too?”

Marisa pulls Tethys’ mouth back up to hers. Even in the dark Marisa still doesn’t express her feelings with words, but to Tethys this is good enough.

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