Title: needy
Rating: T
Fandom: Starlight Vega
Relationship: Lyria/Aria Reid
Wordcount: 729
Short summary: Aria didn’t think she was a particularly needy person, but maybe she feels that when Lyria is away for too long…

“I miss her…”

Aria didn’t think she was a particularly needy person. Well, in the sense of being needy…emotionally. Before coming to Vega she hadn’t been the most independent person, living with her mother and all, but besides cooking and housing stuff Aria had been pretty independent? Okay, she did talk to Melody a lot, but it didn’t feel like she was going to die if she didn’t talk to Melody for a few days, right? She didn’t have to share hugs or hold hands or anything with her mom or Melody to fill this “hole” in her chest, right? And Aria would say that she loved her mom and she loved Melody as a friend quite dearly. So this cavity forming in her chest due to the lack of a certain redhead…

“Why couldn’t she have just…taken me…”

Aria knows she’s pretty useless in Vega in terms of the daily tasks, especially those of royalty. She knows her best quality is her ignorance and thus her “fresh” perspective on things, poking holes at all the strange customs of Vega’s society. Then again, Vega’s society also helped Aria realize just how weird some things are in the human world. One really isn’t much better than the other all things considered, but one place has her lover, so…

“You want to be taken?”


Aria’s skin tingles as she is enveloped in warmth much warmer than the bedsheets she had been playing with earlier. Strong arms pull Aria backwards, and lips press against the right side of Aria’s neck. There’s also the unique smell, a scent that only one person carries…

“When did you get back, Lyria?” Aria asks as Lyria starts to press kisses against her jaw. Before, when Aria was less experienced and also less sure about this love, she would have shied away from this form of affection from Lyria. But now, all this kissing, this cuddling and snuggling… The “hole” in Aria’s chest is filling back up quickly, and soon it will be ready to burst with contentment once more.

“Hmm? Two minutes ago, I think.”

Aria sighs. She’s sinking into the warmth of Lyria’s embrace but she still has some semblance of sense, and that sense is telling her something isn’t quite right. “I mean to the castle.”

After all, Lyria had been on a diplomatic trip to the neighboring kingdom. Which is why Aria was left here alone in the first place. Even if the people here have started to enjoy her presence, Aria is still considered too much a “risk” to send out. Because if any harm came to Aria, Lyria would go feral…and possibly set everything around them on fire. Yeah, Aria had to reluctantly agree with Scherza that she should stay here, but…

“Two minutes ago,” Lyria responds once more with a laugh. Aria can only sigh again.

“You came straight here… And Scherza’s going to yell at you again.”

“Whatever. I need you first.”

In a flash, Aria is turned around and pressed down into the bed by Lyria’s hands, Lyria’s chest, Lyria’s whole being. Lyria’s mouth covers Aria’s mouth, claims Aria’s words before Aria could form any protest. Not that Aria wants to protest, but… She missed Lyria so much. So instead Aria holds onto Lyria, holds on dearly as Lyria gets what she needs, gives Aria what she needs…

While Aria regains her sense after reaching the height of pleasure, she hears Lyria laughing quietly as she strokes Aria’s cheek. It’s unfair; Aria’s clothes are still somewhere across the room but Lyria can just magic…

“Now I can go see my dear sister. And take whatever yelling she’ll dish at me. Wait for me?”

Aria groans. “Come back quick,” she grumbles. Oh, does she not want to move right now.

Lyria smiles and in a flash she’s gone. Aria feels cold; she pulls at a sheet to cover herself, but it’s a poor substitute for the warmth she really wants. After having sex, Aria has found that she likes to cuddle with Lyria. Which is funny since she used to hate how much Lyria wanted to cuddle with her… Ah, well, this is a downside of romantic love with royalty, huh… But Aria will be good and she will wait. After all, when Lyria returns, she’ll get all the cuddles and snuggles she desires…definitely…

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