Ladies Bingo is hosted at This is my table and my fills for Round 10.
Bread and Circuses | Retirement | Explorer | Mutation / Transformation | Decay |
Loss of Faith | A Murder to Solve | Sphinxes and Chimerae | Romance | Episode Tags and Missing Scenes |
Abduction and kidnapping | Habits and Routines | Wild Card | Seasons of Mists (Autumn, Colours,
Sensations, Activities and Festivals) |
Plays and Scripts |
Found Families | Laboratory | Trapped! | Homesickness | Cuddles and Snuggles |
Sensual Pleasures | Neon | Lost and Found | Ship and Captain / Mount and Rider | I am your father/mother |
Found Families
Title: to be here…
Rating: G
Fandom: Akiba's Beat
Relationship: Ecstasia Akemi & Saotome Kanata
Wordcount: 630
Short summary: Even now, Kanata’s “home” is Violet Eden.
Title: what one would call “happiness”
Rating: G
Fandom: GrimGrimoire
Relationship: Amoretta Virgine & Tahlea
Wordcount: 665
Short summary: The next time Lillet makes a trip to the Tower of Silver Star magic school, Amoretta makes sure to come along so she can talk to her “sister”, Tahlea.
Title: if one was to be trapped with someone else…
Rating: G
Fandom: Witch on the Holy Night
Relationship: Aozaki Aoko & Kuonji Alice
Wordcount: 600
Short summary: If Aoko was trapped with someone, she’d want it to be Alice. If Alice was trapped with someone, she’s not sure she’d want it to be Aoko.
Title: even just for hugs
Rating: G
Fandom: Ar tonelico, specifically AT3
Relationship: Cocona Bartel/Sasha
Wordcount: 593
Short summary: Cocona stops by Sasha’s store, surprising her with a sudden hug. It appears she is quite homesick.
Cuddles and Snuggles
Title: needy
Rating: T
Fandom: Starlight Vega
Relationship: Lyria/Aria Reid
Wordcount: 729
Short summary: Aria didn’t think she was a particularly needy person, but maybe she feels that when Lyria is away for too long…