Title: if one was to be trapped with someone else…
Rating: G
Fandom: Witch on the Holy Night
Relationship: Aozaki Aoko & Kuonji Alice
Wordcount: 600
Short summary: If Aoko was trapped with someone, she’d want it to be Alice. If Alice was trapped with someone, she’s not sure she’d want it to be Aoko.

If Aoko was trapped with someone, she’d want it to be Alice.

Time has proven Aoko’s faith in Alice to be correct. Sure, it helps that Alice’s ploys can cover the weaknesses of Aoko’s current capabilities with her blue bullets. But more importantly, Alice just understands Aoko, understands what Aoko wants or is trying to do in those tight situations. Maybe because Aoko is still so easy to read (a certain older sister would say that with ridicule), or maybe because they are so compatible that Alice can read Aoko so easily. Because Aoko has certainly spent much more time with other people (like a certain older sister) and yet the person Aoko synchronizes best is Alice. And Aoko wouldn’t have it any other way.

Sharing the same foods, the same drinks, the same space… Spending time together in the sunroom even without talking… Even outside of battle they do a lot together, and Aoko has just realized that she doesn’t mind that at all. Actually Aoko has this wish, when things calm down, to travel with Alice to somewhere far away, far from the winter snow, like a beach with hot sun and sand. She wonders… What would Alice look like in a swimsuit, splashing in the water? Would Alice be there with pressed lips or would she let loose a smile? Would Alice enjoy splashing in the water herself or would she just enjoy seeing Aoko make a fool of herself?

Anyway, if she and Alice were to get stranded together for a bit on a beach island, that wouldn’t be so bad. As long as there was no big danger (like a certain older sister), no big annoyances (like some certain organizations), no worries about food or shelter… Yeah, Aoko would certainly enjoy that type of “trap”.


If Alice was trapped with someone, she’s not sure she’d want it to be Aoko.

Time has proven Aoko to be more impulsive than not. Sure, it make sense when Aoko’s blue bullets are most effective when used quickly. But it’s just the way that Aoko charges into things that Alice has to follow along, running at a pace that she finds uncomfortable at times. At the same time, Aoko’s straightforward actions are easy to predict and work around. They really make an effective team, an effect partnership in crime. Alice has kept her heart closed, has prioritized her witchdom over everything else, and yet she does need to work with people sometimes. So perhaps she should revise her statement and say if she was trapped with someone, it’d probably be fine if it was with Aoko.

Still, it’s difficult to say she wants that. Aoko is going to get into lots of trouble because of her position, so life by Aoko’s side will lead to many situations with their backs against the wall, surrounded, or trapped in some type of dangerous space. So if Alice is trapped with Aoko, it’s unlikely to be an enjoyable trap... Unless it’s the other type that Aoko mentioned offhand that one time, when they were at the aquarium? That invitation to go somewhere together, to go to the beach... Alice is sure that Aoko would have fun frolicking around, sunbathing, swimming… Would Aoko even build a sand castle? It’d probably be extraordinarily ugly considering Aoko’s lack of artistic talent, but…

Maybe Alice wants to see this. If she and Aoko were to, through some fortunate circumstances, get “trapped” on an isolated beach island of some sort, well… Alice will revise her statement once more. If it is a “vacation” type of trap, then…

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