Title: if this is how the dice roll...
Note: written for Challenge on the Big Bridge 2022.
Rating: T
Wordcount: 12631
Short summary: After the war, there is peace. Renais starts rebuilding. But with the peace something else rebuilds, or rather…changes...between Ephraim and Innes.
Title: The Only One
Note: written for FE Fest Round 8.
Rating: G
Wordcount: 1750
Short summary: Prompt: Innes / Ephraim – He didn't want Ephraim looking at anyone else.
Title: the day after
Note: written in 2021
Rating: T
Wordcount: 1096
Short summary: The day after Ephraim and Innes gets married, Ephraim looks for Innes and finds him with paperwork!
Title: preparation for next time
Note: written for 30 ships 30 days
Rating: M
Wordcount: 950
Short summary: While Ephraim receives a back massage, Innes proposes that they could do more next time, if Ephraim learns how to sit properly through his meetings.