Title: if this is how the dice roll...
Rating: T
Fandom: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Relationship: Ephraim/Innes
Wordcount: 12631
Short summary: After the war, there is peace. Renais starts rebuilding. But with the peace something else rebuilds, or rather…changes...between Ephraim and Innes.

Chapter 1

“That is a good point. Now as I was saying before…”

There’s something off about Innes. Ephraim can’t put his finger on what it is exactly, but it bothers him.

Just last night, Innes and his small contingent arrived at the half-restored Castle Renais. It caught Ephraim off-guard but apparently the visit is just a prelude to much more. Innes is apparently the vanguard and the mastermind, but right now, as Ephraim watches Innes draw blue lines across the map on the table, Innes seems to be acting with…deference?

“Of course, as things proceed, go ahead and move them around as you see fit.”

Ephraim expects Innes to say more, to say something like Although if I were in charge, nothing would need to be changed. So when Innes just picks up his red pen instead, Ephraim almost feels…confused? He definitely feels lost enough that Seth has to smoothly respond in the silence that follows.

“Thank you, Prince Innes, for your generous offer,” Seth says, shooting Ephraim a sideways glance.

Innes nods. “Don’t thank me. I am merely relaying my father’s wishes. And I am sure these soldiers are looking forward to learning from the expert hand of a knight as skilled as you, General Seth.”

Those are kind words, kinder than Ephraim has ever received, and even with a slight hint of a smile. Yes, that’s it. Compared to their last meeting, when Innes declared he would show who was better in the end, this Innes is being polite, yes, but it feels…tempered. If they hadn’t just defeated the demon king a few months back for good, Ephraim might have almost believed that…

“What do you think, your Majesty?”

Ephraim does his best to put on a smile as if he wasn’t distracted by inner thoughts unrelated to the topic at hand. Because isn’t a willingly cooperative Innes a good thing for Renais? For Ephraim’s sanity?

“We very much welcome Frelia’s generosity in our time of need, and we swear to repay it someday!”

The last part slips out unintentionally loud, unintentionally passionate. Ephraim is a bit embarrassed when he is met with silence, until Eirika politely coughs and adds her much muted thanks to Innes.

“There is no need for thanks. It would be best for all of us for Renais to be restored to peace and prosperity.” Innes bows. “Now then, if I may be excused. I will make sure our forces are settled, but then I must return home.”

“For?” Ephraim wonders.

“Duty calls.”

Duty calls? Wait is this just a one-day visit without… “Innes?”

But Ephraim’s call does not seem to reach Innes’ ears, as the green hair and blue coat disappear from sight soon after. Ephraim sighs. This isn’t right, but there isn’t anything to complain about really?

He turns to Eirika, who shrugs but also motions for him to let it be. And sure enough, Innes has left without a goodbye, without any complaints but without any fun competitions either. It leaves Ephraim wondering… Before Innes engaged him with snark and sharp words, falling somewhere between antagonism and rivalry. But this…isn’t being looked down upon. It’s cold, distant…purposefully.

Maybe because, as Ephraim had thought a few times before, Innes really does hate him.

It’s upsetting but Ephraim is king now. He can’t let this blow to his heart get in the way of his country’s needs, but… So much for the start of a new era of peace and friendship...


“I’m going to Grado. I have to help the people impacted by the landslide, for Lyon’s sake.”

“Do you really have to go yourself? We could just send aid…”

“No, we need to show that we seriously treasure our past friendship and current alliance. And I know Duessel will not ask so we must insist.”

“Ephraim… I understand. Please assist for my sake as well.”

“I will, Eirika.”


“Hello? Earth to Ephraim!”

Ephraim jumps when he hears a familiar voice outside his tent. He’s still fixing his tunic when Tana enters. He really is surprised to see Tana, a month into his stint in Grado. She’s not the first person he thought he’d see. He thought that maybe someone from Renais would be asking after him, asking for him to return already. Like Kyle or Seth, although Seth probably wouldn’t leave Eirika’s side unless…


Ephraim smiles. “Tana! How nice to see you!” He should just focus on the friend standing right in front of him. Wait, just Tana? “Is it just you?”

“Yeah.” Tana giggles. “Eirika was thinking like, since I ride a Pegasus I’d be a lot faster than any old messenger and that you’d enjoy seeing a familiar face.”

“I definitely appreciate it but…wait, you were in Renais?”

Before Ephraim had left for Grado the only Frelian troops were those brought in by Innes, indicated by the symbols Innes had drawn on that map months ago. So they had revised the plans at some point? Sent even Tana over?

“Yeah.” Tana smiles. “Father and Innes said I should go to lead the Frelia assistance while they take care of things back home.”

That surprises Ephraim. “They let you?”

“You mean Innes?” Ephraim laughs sheepishly; his true concern must have been obvious especially to someone like Tana. Her smile widens. “He still hates the thought of sending me to a battlefield, but he does think pretty well of my skills in general you know.”

Last time Ephraim saw Tana with Innes, he hadn’t gotten that kind of impression about their relationship, but it this is true, then… “Does he still hate me?”

“Huh?” Tana blinks. She looks completely taken aback. “Not at all.”

“That’s good.” Ephraim feels relieved. But then he thinks a little more and starts to doubt a little. “Wait, were there any stipulations for your visit? Surely there is some kind of…”

“Reason?” Tana shrugs. “I don’t know. He didn’t say anything.” She hums. “Actually Innes has been kind of different.”

“How so?” That sounds concerning. Innes is one of the most stubborn people Ephraim knows. Or thought he knew until recently…

“He’s all into this new idea.”

“Of what?” Ephraim can’t hide the eagerness in his question; he just really wants to know anything that can solve the unease he has felt when thinking about Innes these past few months.

Tana shrugs. “He’s shaken up the troop training. Instead of doing thousands of pushups and sit-ups, the soldiers are building strength through manual labor. Rebuilding houses, fixing roads, clearing trails and the like. So when the fresh guys get sent to Renais they aren’t totally lost. And he’s been doing it himself too.”

“Wait, what?” The words coming out of Tana’s mouth paint a picture that Ephraim finds hard to believe. “Innes is out there…chopping wood and such?”

“Yeah, I don’t know?” Tana shrugs once more. “He’s apparently either outside or holed up in his room, so I heard it more from the soldiers’ gossip.”

“And he hasn’t said anything about me?”

Tana frowns. “What about?” She seems a little taken aback by how much Ephraim wants to know…

“About how I’ve just run off to Grado even though Renais is still recovering?”

Understanding dawns on Tana’s face. “Oh, I don’t know.” She sighs. “I don’t think so? He really does seem too obsessed with his new idea to talk about anybody.”

“I see.” Ephraim doesn’t really, but if Tana doesn’t know, she just doesn’t know. But he’ll take the actions at face value. What they indicate is that Innes is keeping himself occupied in a healthy way...probably. “Well that’s good.”

He says that, but he doesn’t feel satisfied. Tana must have sensed that as well. “Ephraim…”

Ephraim shakes his head. He wants to break this uncomfortable mood so he pivots. “Enough about Innes. How is Eirika doing? And the reconstruction?”

Tana brightens and starts rambling. Ephraim smiles hearing her stories, hearing how she and Eirika are as close friends as ever. It’s a stark contrast to how he and Innes are like, but well… Does Ephraim want what Eirika and Tana have? He’s not sure if that is even possible with Innes. Innes is just…Innes. But the fact remains that Renais owes a great debt to Frelia partly due to Innes’ help. And if they are still comparing themselves, still rivals… Innes has acted and Ephraim should return the favor, once he’s done in Grado…

And if he also wants to visit Frelia because he wants to re-stake a place in Innes’ mind, well… No, he’s just curious about the doings of his close political ally…right?


“I’m heading to Frelia.”

“You just got back from Grado though! Please take a moment to rest.”

“No, I need to thank Innes for all the help. And I’d like to see what he’s been up to, in person.”

“Alright. Don’t push yourself too hard, Brother.”

“I won’t.”


“You didn’t need to come yourself. Having Tana over there gives her something to do that is more interesting than castle sitting.”

Coming to Frelia right after returning from Grado, Ephraim expects to get a scolding from Innes. He’s pleased that Innes has something critical to say, although it’s still strange. Why is the statement more about Tana than him?

“Is that what you really think? You know, she’s been so helpful to us.”

“That’s good.”

Innes turns away and the conversation dies. Ephraim is too shocked at first to do anything. He never thought he would want Innes to keep talking, of all things, but quiet Innes bothers him much more. It’s just another sign of Innes…pulling away, and Ephraim can’t just let that continue, can he?


Ephraim’s shout is loud enough to cause Innes to swing around with a scowl. “What is it?”

“What…” Ephraim stumbles. He had called out to Innes before he was ready to speak, but… He needs to say something! “Why are you acting so…different?”

Innes’ scowl deepens. “Is something wrong?”

“No, not exactly…” Ephraim begins fidgeting. The movement is enough to catch Innes’ attention and buys Ephraim enough time to form his thoughts into sentences. “It’s just… It doesn’t seem like you. You don’t have to act so…restrained.”

“I am perfectly fine—”

“Seriously, don’t hold back!” Ephraim finds himself wanting to shake Innes, but he’s not here for a physical fight…yet. He wants to try words first; he’s not that desperate yet.

“Surely there’s something I’ve done that you would have done better?”

Innes looks down and away. “I…” He pauses and the next words come out quietly. “I don’t want you to hate me anymore.”

“What?” Ephraim hasn’t heard something so ridiculous from Innes’ mouth before. “I don’t hate you?” he nearly shouts.

“I don’t want you to think I hate you either.”

Innes’ quiet reply hits like a bucket of cold water, cooling Ephraim’s temper immediately. “Oh.” He feels uneasy…unsteady…hearing this. As if his entire view of the world has been shifted 90 degrees. “I guess you don’t.”

Innes smiles wryly. “Yes.” He gives a slight bow. “Now I shall get going. Thank you for your visit.”

Now Ephraim is starting to understand a little what’s been happening… Innes thought Ephraim thought Innes hated him…and he didn’t want that. So he decided to act more distant? But wouldn’t that be worse? Ephraim lets Innes take two steps before his arm shoots out.


Innes stops, his posture stiffening at the sudden touch, but doesn’t turn around. Ephraim drops his hand. Why are you leaving is what Ephraim wants to ask, but he’s not sure he has that right? So he settles on something less accusatory.

“Where are you going?”

Innes turns around and sighs. “To lead troop training. Why do you ask?”

Because I want to spend time with you is what Ephraim wants to reply, but that’s also too pushy right now. Innes might not hate him but it doesn’t mean Innes likes him. So he settles on a rhetorical question.

“I heard that you train your troops in construction skills now?” Innes’ head moves in the slightest of nods, so Ephraim proceeds. “Can I watch?”

Innes turns away. Ephraim thinks he’s being rejected, but then Innes laughs. “If you wish.”

Ephraim does his best to clamp his mouth shut before an excited cheer emits. He can’t help the smile. Innes accepted his overture! He’s regaining the connection they had towards the end of the war, the one he…missed dearly. Too bad Innes already started walking away… Wait, wait up, Innes!


“You’re a really good guy, Innes!”

“What are you going on about now?”

Ephraim is no longer able to hold back his thoughts after they return from Innes’ troop training. It was so inspiring that Ephraim himself even took up an axe and chopped a bit of wood himself. Not that he was unused to using one, although a spear would always feel best in his hands. Innes, though… Innes looked surprisingly good with an axe. Of course Ephraim knows Innes has always been strong, but the way those muscles flexed when Innes raised his arm up to… Innes’ dedication to his work once again is impressive.


It takes a moment for Ephraim to break out of his thoughts and realize where he is. Apparently Innes had led them back to Ephraim’s guest room, even though Ephraim could have found this room himself. Had Innes been…waiting for Ephraim to explain himself? Ephraim grins.

“You really care a lot about your people, your country. Honestly…” Ephraim pauses when he sees Innes isn’t smiling back. He feels sheepish now and quietly adds on the next part. “Before I thought all you did was just about you, but clearly I was wrong.”

He expects Innes to lash out angrily, but Innes just shakes his head. “I am nothing without my country. This is why I live.”

Ephraim frowns. That sounds too self-deprecating. “Not for anything else?”

“My country, my family.” Innes averts his gaze. “I don’t have time for anything else.”

“What about friendship? Love?” Ephraim is starting to feel…pity. Which he tries to shake off because he knows the last thing Innes wants is pity.

“I don’t have the personality for that.”

“I beg to differ.” Ephraim can’t think of any personality that would block someone from having friendship and love. At least for someone who tries their best to do good by others... And certainly people love Innes, right? Ephraim knows that King Hayden does, and Tana, and the Frelian soldiers he met during the war… And those troops today, they might too?

“People love you for your dedication and hard work.” Those are Innes’ best traits, according to Ephraim’s brain at least.

“Despite my pride?”

“Despite your pride.” Ephraim laughs softly. He hopes he sounds encouraging. “Didn’t I tell you that you don’t need to hold back? I like hearing the real you.”

I missed it.

Innes scoffs but his cheeks are a bit pink. “You’re being irritatingly kind right now.”

Ephraim grins. “I’m glad! You even look a little flustered about it.”

“Shut up!”

Ephraim laughs harder now, causing Innes to mutter under his breath. They probably aren’t nice words, but Ephraim doesn’t care one bit. Instead he thinks, now is a good time to press Innes, to push him, to maybe provoke him a little. He brings out the challenge.

“You know, I miss competing against you. It’s been quite a while, right? Shall we duel with swords once more?”

Innes raises a brow. “Swords?”

Maybe Innes has been taken by surprise that it wasn’t a challenge for lances or bows. But the two of them did duel with swords once. It was a training bout during the war, when they all were preparing for the possibility of having to fight with whatever they could scavenge, and back then…

“If you are prepared to lose…”

Ephraim had won that day, but the Innes in front of him can wield an axe smoothly now. Still, Ephraim puffs his chest out, just that little bit. It’s part of bringing back that atmosphere, that connection between them that Ephraim wants back.

“I won’t, not to you.”

And, though he doesn’t say it aloud, Ephraim swears he won’t lose the connection to Innes either, no matter what. If Innes pulls away, Ephraim will chase him. Because this is how it should be, competing, sparring, Innes with flushed cheeks…wait, no, Innes with that arrogant smirk. Yes, definitely this…

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