Title: Just cats. Lots of cats.
Rating: G
Fandom: Judgment
Relationship: Kaito Masaharu/Yagami Takayuki
Wordcount: 585
Short summary: Sugiura finds Yagami, Kaito, and a bunch of cats.

Sugiura climbs up the stairs and enters what he thought was the Yagami Detective Agency office, but with the amount of cats all over the place, it looks more like a cat shelter.

“Detective work not going well?” he comments as one of the 12 cats in the room comes over to paw at his leg. He wonders if Kaito or Yagami even noticed his entrance with all the cats spread across their bodies, meowing and purring.

“This is a job,” Yagami says, his tone serious but Sugiura still can’t help but laugh. It’s hard to take Yagami seriously, let alone the whole situation, with cats climbing all over Yagami and obscuring his face.

“Yeah, we’re taking care of some cats while our client finds a new place to live,” Kaito explains. “She lost it in a fire.”

“I see…” Sugiura supposes this is plausible, but he really thinks it’s an excuse to just play with cats. Well if business is slow, why not? He picks up the one that is nuzzling his leg and places it on the couch on top, on the only unoccupied part of it. With the way Yagami and Kaito are sitting close together, looking cozy as cats nestle all over them… “You look like two dads of a family of cats.”

Kaito laughs. He rubs the tiny white cat sitting on his left leg, causing it to purr loudly. “Hey, Tak, maybe we could keep a few of them?”

Yagami grumbles, “I told you not to get attached.” But once again it’s hard to take Yagami’s stern voice seriously when he looks just as comfortable petting these cats.

“Surely the lady won’t mind…” Kaito continues with a grin. “Does she really need 15 cats?”

Wait, there are 15 cats? Oh, one is under the pinball machine and… While Sugiura searched out for the remaining cats he didn’t find earlier, Yagami replies to Kaito. “It’s our client’s cats. If you want to get paid, we better give them all back.”

“Spoilsport,” Kaito says, pouting. “I think we’d make good cat dads. Please Tak?”

Yagami leans towards Kaito and Sugiura sees signs that they’ve forgotten he’s here and are about to get... He better do something to defuse it.

He coughs. “Then just get your own cats, sheesh.”

“Oh yeah.” Kaito perks up so suddenly one of the cats jumps off him onto Yagami and Yagami yelps. “Great idea, Sugiura! I knew you were smart.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Sugiura replies dismissively. “I solve your problems.”

Yagami smiles sheepishly, his way of saying thanks to Sugiura. He gets up and asks, “So why are you here?”

“Thanks for remembering. I have a lead on that scam case...”

It’s a bit difficult to concentrate with all the cats around, but Yagami, when focused, does his job professionally and efficiently. They quickly come up with a plan of attack to catch the criminal red-handed. Now all they had to do was leave and…

“Hold down the fort, Kaito?” Yagami says, patting Kaito on the shoulder.

Kaito grabs onto Yagami’s hand, caresses it. He looks up at Yagami with a smile. “Sure. But come back with some more cat food?”

“Alright,” Yagami replies fondly. One, two, yep Yagami leans down for a quick kiss.

Sugiura rolls his eyes. Well, he supposes it’s better than the mutual pining stage but… He nudges Yagami before heading straight to the door, not looking back and definitely not smiling at the thought of Kaito and Yagami as two cat dads…

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