Ryulynn's Fanfiction Archive

Judge Eyes Week 2021

These are ficlets written in response to prompts from Judge Eyes Week 2021, run on twitter. I made 4 entries total.

prompt: black/white
Title: simplicity
Rating: G
Relationship: Kaito Masaharu/Yagami Takayuki
Wordcount: 540
Short summary: Kaito comments on Yagami's lack of color in his wardrobe.

prompt: secret/confession
Title: if only...
Rating: G
Relationship: Fujii Mafuyu/Shirosaki Saori
Wordcount: 550
Short summary: Saori has a secret she'll never confess out loud.

prompt: family/cat
Title: Just cats. Lots of cats.
Rating: G
Relationship: Kaito Masaharu/Yagami Takayuki
Wordcount: 585
Short summary: Sugiura finds Yagami, Kaito, and a bunch of cats.

prompt: past/future
Title: sometimes better
Rating: G
Relationship: Fujii Mafuyu/Shirosaki Saori
Wordcount: 465
Short summary: Saori and Mafuyu are out at a cafe again, and Saori thinks back...

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