Title: simplicity
Rating: G
Fandom: Judgment
Relationship: Kaito Masaharu/Yagami Takayuki
Wordcount: 540
Short summary: Kaito comments on Yagami's lack of color in his wardrobe.

“Yo Tak, would it kill you to wear a color?”

Yagami returns from his shower, no longer smelling like the garbage dumpster he accidentally fell into while chasing their client’s cat, only to find that Kaito still hasn’t found a clean shirt for Yagami to wear.

“What are you dawdling for? Get me a shirt already.” Yagami gives Kaito a look of disappointment. What is the point of having this stupid hunk of a lover if he can’t even do a simple task?

Kaito grins, looking up and down at the freshly-showered and shirtless Yagami with clear appreciation. “Your chest has more color than…” When Yagami glares instead of flirting back, Kaito shrugs. “Fine.” He tosses a plain white T-shirt at Yagami before closing the closet door. “I should take you out shopping.”

Yagami catches said shirt and starts pulling it over his head. He grumbles, “I don’t want to wear that flashy stuff that you like.”

Kaito laughs. He’s taken a few steps away from the closet to stand near Yagami. “Worried you can’t pull it off?”

“I just don’t want to stand out like you do. It’s too shiny.” Yagami sinks down onto the couch. It’s been a long day and he just wants to sleep. “Would be bad for business.”

“Shiny?” Kaito repeats Yagami’s word with a sly smile as he joins Yagami on the couch. He’s totally taking advantage of the fact that Yagami, in his tired state, is more likely to give compliments as well as allow Kaito to cuddle him without protest.

“And shows too much chest,” Yagami adds, the thought coming to mind because he’s basically become eye-level with said chest.

Kaito ruffles Yagami’s hair. “So what you’re saying is…” Kaito’s whole body shakes with mirth. “I look brilliant and I have an awesome chest.”

Yagami agrees but hell if he would say that out loud. He closes his eyes and yawns. “Yeah, whatever.”

“Seriously though, Tak.” Yagami is only half-listening because Kaito’s hands in his hair is so soothing in its rhythmic stroking. “You really should try wearing something besides black or white sometimes.”

Yagami doesn’t know why Kaito is going on about this. What’s the big deal about his clothes anyway? He supposes it is the first time Kaito has looked through his closet, but seriously clothes are just clothes. Besides…

“My jeans aren’t black or white.”

Kaito’s hand stops moving. “Tch.” He tugs on Yagami’s hair. “I’ll get you to wear something colorful someday.”

He then pushes Yagami down flat on the couch. When Yagami tries to sit up again, he puts a hand on Yagami’s chest. In a low rumble he says, “Hey, let me take care of you tonight, okay?”

Yagami can’t protest against that voice. He relaxes, letting Kaito lay him flat. When Kaito then starts to lie down too… “You’re too big, though,” Yagami grumbles.

Kaito chuckles, securing his hands around Yagami’s waist. “You like it though.”

“Yeah.” It’s a tight fit because the couch is not meant for anyone to sleep on, let alone two adult men. But they’ll fit because Yagami will let Kaito hold him tight.

“Yeah, I do.”

And with that said, he closes his eyes, and the world turns all black.

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