Title: contemplations at the beach at night
Rating: G
Fandom: Umineko no Naku Goro ni
Relationship: none
Wordcount: 150
Short summary: Ikuko thinks about her charge during a sleepless night.

It’s quiet in the household. Tohya is asleep but she is still restless, so she steps outside, and walks to the beach. The moon is bright but even so the path is easy enough that she could do it without light.

Because she has been here many times before. Even if she hadn’t actually found him on the beach, but rather on the road, she imagined he came up here at some point.

Did he lay there for a long time, lost? Or had he been so lost that he didn’t linger, not tied down by any past thoughts, but moving purely on instinct?

The surf is stronger at night, more dangerous, more beautiful. It would be so easy to go there, get lost once more… Had he “lost”, would he have wandered in to the surf, hoping to drift, back to her…?

She doesn’t know…she doesn’t want to know…

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