Ryulynn's Fanfiction Archive

Umineko gen fics

Title: contemplations at the beach at night
Note: written for Writer's Month 2023, prompt = surf.
Rating: G
Relationship: none
Wordcount: 150
Short summary: Ikuko thinks about her charge during a sleepless night.

Title: like a sandcastle
Note: written for Writer's Month 2023, prompt = sandcastle.
Rating: G
Relationship: none
Wordcount: 150
Short summary: Ange takes a major detour.

Title: like they would
Note: written for Writer's Month 2023, prompt = at a wedding
Rating: G
Relationship: referenced Battler/Beatrice
Wordcount: 150
Short summary: The crowd, the music, the outfits make Ange think about a wedding that could have been…

Title: seed spitting
Note: written for Writer's Month 2023, prompt = watermelon.
Rating: G
Relationship: Ushiromiya Ange & Ushiromiya Battler
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Battler shows off watermelon seed spitting to a young Ange.

Title: the ocean blue
Note: written for Writer's Month 2023, prompt = blue.
Rating: G
Relationship: none
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: When Kanon finally understands what Shannon’s words meant regarding the ocean being blue, it means…

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