Title: like they would
Rating: G
Fandom: Umineko no Naku Goro ni
Relationship: referenced Battler/Beatrice
Wordcount: 150
Short summary: The crowd, the music, the outfits make Ange think about a wedding that could have been…

At first, the unusual number of cars clogging the streets elicits a feeling of annoyance from Ange but then she hears the music and catches a glimpse of a white suit and a black dress and she realizes, oh. It’s a wedding but the colors are reversed compared to their traditional depictions, and yet it makes her think of one couple, one she knows at this point only inside her mind and her heart.

Her older brother, if he were to actually reach adulthood, and his ideal woman, if she were to meet him there. Battler and Beatrice.

Ange’s not sure what that wedding would look like. All she knows of their relationship is a mix of memories and magic, of mysteries and fantasies. It’d probably be something bombastic. Dangerous. Ridiculous. And yet…

Ange is no longer annoyed by this event. Yes, go ahead and get married, like they would…

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