Title: seed spitting
Rating: G
Fandom: Umineko no Naku Goro ni
Relationship: Ushiromiya Ange & Ushiromiya Battler
Wordcount: 200
Short summary: Battler shows off watermelon seed spitting to a young Ange.

“One more time!”

“You got it!”

Ange cheers as Battler bites off another piece of watermelon, processes it, and spits out another watermelon seed. The seed lands even further than the previous one, a whole extra decimeter farther out? She just knows that a decimeter is something like the size of Battler’s foot.

“Whatcha think, Ange?”

“One more time!”

Ange wants to see her brother be cool again, but Battler just laughs. “Aw, you should try doing it too. Anyone can do it.”


Ange is so much smaller. She might accidentally swallow the seed instead. Even so, Battler encourages her.

“Yeah. You got this.” He pats her on the head. “I believe in you. You’ll be a spitting champion sooner or later.”

“Okay!” Encouraged by Battler’s words, Ange takes a bite of watermelon. She makes sure to swallow everything else but the seed. Then she tries her hardest.

The watermelon seed falls just a bit past her foot. Ange pouts but Battler grins.

“Not bad. My first try landed on my shoe.”



Ange suspects that Battler might be lying, but he has such a large grin that she wants to believe him. So she does.

“Thanks, Onii-chan!”

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