Title: like a sandcastle
Rating: G
Fandom: Umineko no Naku Goro ni
Relationship: none
Wordcount: 150
Short summary: Ange takes a major detour.

Ange doesn’t really know what’s she doing here, on a beach, nowhere near where she lives or where she wants to go.

She said she was searching for the truth. She was going to believe what she found out there after performing her own judgment with her own eyes. So why is she searching out here? The only connection to that being water and desolation. For surely that is all in ruins and not even a grain of its sand could tell its story.

Sand… Pack it well and make it a little wet and one can make a sandcastle. Maybe all that she’s trying to do is build sandcastles that are destined to be washed away by the ocean waves. By the passage of time, by the force of nature… By people who don’t care.

It’s always been like that. Yet Ange doesn’t want to stop building, not yet…

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