Ryulynn's Fanfiction Archive

30 ships 30 days

These are ficlets written during November 2024 for 30 ships new or old from 30 different fandoms.

List of ships
1. Akihiro/Taiga (Tokyo 24-ku)
2. Mimi/Totori (Arland)
3. Alice/Aoko/Soujyuro (Witch on the Holy Night)
4. Hugo/Yves (Virche Evermore)
5. Arnice/Lilysse (Nights of Azure)
6. Marie/Ryota (Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 4th Heart)
7. Takeru/Tasuku (Lkyt.)
8. Kiria/Tsubasa (Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE)
9. Cecil/Kain/Rosa (Final Fantasy IV)
10. Camus/Miklotov (Suikoden)
11. Kaoru/Shiori (UsoNatsu)
12. Cyril/Lars (Sol Trigger)
13. Ephraim/Innes (FE8)
14. Eve/Yosemite (National Park Girls)
15. BJ/Keitaro/Natsuno (13 sentinels)
16. Tomo/Yuuki (Gakuen Heaven)
17. Matsuri/Miyu (Kindred Spirits on the Roof)
18. Heroine/Ikkyu/Kent (Amnesia)
19. Aaron/Luke (Buddy Mission Bond)
20. Asuka/Shiori (Tokyo Xanadu)
21. Anastasia/Crius/Tyril (even if TEMPEST)
22. Fujieda/Towa (Slow Damage)
23. Chidori/Erika (Flowers)
24. Nagisa/Tomoya (CLANNAD)
25. Barok/Kazuma (Great Ace Attorney)
26. Amoretta/Lillet (GrimGrimoire)
27. Casty/Delta (Surge Concerto)
28. Adol/Geis (Ys)
29. Kotomi/Saki (Akiba's Beat)
30. Kalas/Xelha (Baten Kaitos)

Title: happy that it was with you
Rating: T
Fandom: Tokyo 24-ku
Relationship: Agatsuma Taiga/Sonogi Akihiro
Wordcount: 525
Short summary: Akihiro asks Taiga why he is so good at sex.

Title: a first bath together
Rating: T
Fandom: Atelier Arland games
Relationship: Totori Helmold/Mimi Houllier von Schwarzlang
Wordcount: 420
Short summary: Finally Mimi’s wish for her to share a bath with Totori comes true, years later.

Title: in between state
Rating: G
Fandom: Witch on the Holy Night
Relationship: Aozaki Aoko/Kuonji Alice/Sizuki Soujyuro
Wordcount: 240
Short summary: Soujyuro’s relationship with Aoko and Alice has moved a little bit towards…

Title: to hold, to stay (close)
Rating: G
Fandom: Virche Evermore
Relationship: Hugo/Yves
Wordcount: 355
Short summary: Adolphe asks what happened to bring Yves and Hugo here, holding hands.

Title: to fill her mind
Rating: G
Fandom: Nights of Azure
Relationship: Arnice/Lilysse
Wordcount: 100
Short summary: Arnice is unable to sleep even when she and Lilysse reunite.

Title: more important than (understanding) English
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokimeki Memorial Girls' Side, specifically TMGS4
Relationship: Marie/Kazama Ryota
Wordcount: 330
Short summary: Marie thought she might practice English over in London, but not with Ryota stepping in first…

Title: question and answer
Rating: E
Fandom: Lkyt.
Relationship: Takeru/Tasuku
Wordcount: 1055
Short summary: Tasuku has one lingering question which he finally asks Takeru.

Title: loud and cute
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Relationship: Kurono Kiria/Oribe Tsubasa
Wordcount: 285
Short summary: Kiria teases Tsubasa (adoringly) about Tsubasa singing in the bath again.

Title: in no rush
Rating: G
Fandom: Final Fantasy 4
Relationship: Rosa Joanna Farrell/Cecil Harvey/Kain Highwind
Wordcount: 300
Short summary: Rosa returns to find Kain awake but Cecil still sleeping.

Title: insecure
Rating: G
Fandom: Suikoden, specifically Suikogaiden 2
Relationship: Camus/Miklotov
Wordcount: 485
Short summary: Miklotov acts a bit odd with Camus after Nash leaves the room.

Title: present (not past or future)
Rating: T
Fandom: UsoNatsu
Relationship: Minagi Shiori/Tachibana Kaoru
Wordcount: 415
Short summary: Kaoru knows what she wants right now.

Title: ice cream
Rating: G
Fandom: Sol Trigger
Relationship: Cyril/Lars
Wordcount: 530
Short summary: Even buying ice cream gives Lars a little more insight into Cyril.

Title: preparation for next time
Rating: M
Fandom: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Relationship: Ephraim/Innes
Wordcount: 950
Short summary: While Ephraim receives a back massage, Innes proposes that they could do more next time, if Ephraim learns how to sit properly through his meetings.

Title: home sweet home
Rating: G
Fandom: National Park Girls
Relationship: Eve Aadams/Yosemite
Wordcount: 340
Short summary: Zion asks why Eve and Yosemite are out. Yellowstone is basically spot on about why and what they say when they get back.

Title: pre-movie night shenanigans
Rating: G
Fandom: 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Relationship: BJ/Minami Natsuno/Miura Keitaro
Wordcount: 385
Short summary: BJ gets surprised by Natsuno’s spontaneous plan before the real start of movie night.

Title: impatience
Rating: T
Fandom: Gakuen Heaven, specifically Gakuen Heaven 2
Relationship: Asahina Yuuki/Kasahara Tomo
Wordcount: 355
Short summary: Tomo is selfish; he will take advantage of Yuuki “escaping” into his office.

Title: relief real quick
Rating: M
Fandom: Kindred Spirits on the Roof
Relationship: Amishima Matsuri/Inamoto Miyu
Wordcount: 495
Short summary: Matsuri has had a rough week and really needs some fingers from Miyu right now.

Title: dinner Saturdays
Rating: G
Fandom: Amnesia
Relationship: Heroine/Ikkyu/Kent
Wordcount: 625
Short summary: The first Saturday of the mouth means dinner with Kent’s parents.

Title: miss you sweets
Rating: G
Fandom: Buddy Mission Bond
Relationship: Aaron/Luke Williams
Wordcount: 580
Short summary: Aaron gets home with sweets to a Luke who misses him dearly.

Title: warmth
Rating: G
Fandom: Tokyo Xanadu
Relationship: Hiiragi Asuka/Kurashiki Shiori
Wordcount: 305
Short summary: A sudden drop in temperatures leaves Shiori a little unprepared for the cold, but Asuka comes with warm tea prepared for her.

Title: birthday treat
Rating: G
Fandom: even if TEMPEST
Relationship: Crius Castlerock/Tyril I Lister/Anastasia Lynzel
Wordcount: 880
Short summary: Anastasia and Crius want to treat Tyril for his birthday. It takes a little bit of persuasion before Tyril accepts Crius’ treating.

Title: temporary relief
Rating: M
Fandom: Slow Damage
Relationship: Fujieda Ryo/Towa
Wordcount: 490
Short summary: Ryo would fulfill Towa’s request for rough sex, if that would help bring temporary relief from the nightmares.

Title: spoiled girl
Rating: G
Fandom: Flowers
Relationship: Takasaki Chidori/Yaegaki Erika
Wordcount: 545
Short summary: A sick Chidori keeps asking for favors. Erika gives in to the one where she spoon-feeds Chidori some soup.

Title: because she says so
Rating: G
Relationship: Furukawa Nagisa/Okazaki Tomoya
Wordcount: 420
Short summary: Tomoya is in a panic when he learns Ushio has a high fever. Nagisa calms him down.

Title: to reflect the man
Rating: G
Fandom: Great Ace Attorney
Relationship: Asougi Kazuma/Barok van Zieks
Wordcount: 915
Short summary: Kazuma finishes redecorating Barok’s manor, yet to Barok it doesn’t look that much different than before…

Title: back home
Rating: G
Fandom: Grim Grimoire
Relationship: Lillet Blan/Amoretta Virgine
Wordcount: 295
Short summary: Lillet returns home after a trip to be greeted by an armful of Amoretta.

Title: just like this
Rating: G
Fandom: Surge Concerto, specifically Ar nosurge
Relationship: Delta Lanthanoir/Casty Riernoit
Wordcount: 320
Short summary: Delta and Casty and a campfire at night.

Title: idiot (too)
Rating: G
Fandom: Ys
Relationship: Adol Christin/Geis
Wordcount: 270
Short summary: Geis complains as he bandages Adol’s arm.

Title: clothes for her
Rating: G
Fandom: Akiba's Beat
Relationship: Hoshino Saki/Sanada Kotomi
Wordcount: 330
Short summary: Saki designs an outfit for Kotomi and asks her to try it on.

Title: birthday, remembered
Rating: G
Fandom: Baten Kaitos
Relationship: Kalas/Xelha
Wordcount: 380
Short summary: Kalas is surprised by Xelha and the others for his 20th birthday.

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